Saturday, May 30, 2020

Top Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

Top Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job You could have all the skills experience to make you the best candidate for a role, but if youve made sloppy mistakes on your resume, or not taken the time to write it in a way that will get you noticed, it could cost you the job. Recruiters generally make up their mind about a candidate within 60 seconds of glancing at their resume, so it could be something as small as a spelling error that gets your application discarded. So what makes a stand out resume and what are the most common mistakes that job seekers make? Ayers have the answers. CV and Resume Statistics: Recruiters spend an average of 3.14 minutes reading a candidates resume and they have generally made up their mind within the first minute. 1 in 5 recruiters will actually reject a candidate before theyve even finished reading their resume. 5% of applicants are dishonest when describing their previous roles or the time they spent in a job. 10% of job seekers have applied for 50 or more jobs without hearing back. What are the top reasons that recruiters reject a resume? 59% of recruiters will reject a candidate because of poor grammar or a spelling error. Though these mistakes seem small, they indicate that the candidate is sloppy and hasnt taken the time to proofread their resume. Over 50% of recruiters will reject a candidate if their resume is full of cliches. You need to differentiate yourself from the crowd, cliches are boring. Over 40% are also put off by too much design, such as snazzy borders, inappropriate fonts, clipart images..or even an emoji! What are the top 10 resume cliches that recruiters hate? I can work independently. Most people can! Im a hard worker. Yes, arent we all? I work well under pressure. Congratulations you tough cookie! What makes a great resume? Read through your resume at least 3 times to make sure there are NO spelling or grammar mistakes and it all reads smoothly. Get someone else to check it over too, in case you missed something and to get a second opinion. Keep your resume as professional as possible. Photos are not necessary and fancy fonts make it look slightly unprofessional. Stick to a simple font such as Calibri or Arial, use bullet points for easy scan-ability and ensure that they layout is consistent throughout.  Try to keep it to a couple of pages long. Ensure that your contact details are correct and up to date. Tailor your resume for the job, mentioning keywords and skills that are included in the job advert. Use specific examples of achievements from each role. Top image: Shutterstock

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Get the Best Resume Writing Service For Your Job Search

Get the Best Resume Writing Service For Your Job SearchIf you are searching for a good resume writing guide then you have come to the right place. Resume writing is a very important process in the job hunting process. Your resume not only expresses your qualification, it also plays a vital role in determining whether you get the job or not.So how do you go about getting a good resume writer? There are a few ways in which you can be sure of getting the best one for your needs.A reputable resume writing service will always be able to help you make a wise decision on your behalf. The company will be able to give you options for doing your job search. They will also provide you with resume samples so that you can learn from their mistakes and optimize your career and education choices.You will also be given information on the best, most efficient and most appropriate ways to advertise your services to potential candidates. These professionals will be able to help you get feedback from co mpanies before hiring you or bidding on your services. This will ensure that you get the best value for your money.Getting the right person for the job is important for many different people and circumstances. It is not the easiest thing to do but it is absolutely essential to see results when you go about the job search.Using a resume writing service for your job search will provide you with the kind of help you need. You can be sure that you will be treated with respect by your new employers and you will also be given the chance to apply again if you have other good ideas that they would be interested in.The company's credentials will also be worth mentioning. You will be sure to get your money's worth when you hire a professional resume writing service to help you find the perfect job for you.Resume writing is very important in the business world today. But you don't want to take the easy way out and settle for a poor quality service because you might be wasting your time and eff ort.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Thinking of working overseas when you graduate Canadian visas out today! University of Manchester Careers Blog

Thinking of working overseas when you graduate Canadian visas out today! University of Manchester Careers Blog If you are considering working internationally at all when you graduate, you may be interested to know that Canadas International Experience initiative involving the allocation of working holiday style visas has another quota of visas released today!   (25th February, 2013). This visa is only open to British and Irish passport holders, however. At my Getting Started for Working Abroad session today I mentioned a recent e-shot I received about the visas. Apparently, these visas are popular (with the last release of 1000 visas being snapped up in 15 minutes). Nearly as popular as a ticket to see One Direction   in a room full of teenagers. Heres what I received: Canada work visas in short supply As you may know Canadian Immigration has an annual quota of working holiday style visas under the International Experience Canada initiative and this year interest in the programme has far exceeded anyones expectations. The online visas are being released in three batches. The first 1,000 visa places were released on 14th February and filled within 3 hours of opening. A further 2,000 visa places will open on 25th February and a final 2,350 places are released on 7th March 2013. If any of your students are considering working in Canada this year, either as part of their studies or post college/university, then they are advised to make plans now. More information and useful links here: International Experience Canada visa information   at Working Holiday Store: This e-shot came from The Working Holiday Store, an independent company that provides free,   web based information to students and young people embarking on a working holiday or gap year abroad at:   which looks quite useful for planning suggestions when you are organising an international experience yourself. If you missed the session today:. Copies of the slides are going online on our Guides and Handouts pages for Talks Handouts in the coming day or so. However, as the session was popular, we will also look to re-run the session in the coming few weeks too. All International international jobs international students

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hospital Administrator Job Description -

Hospital Administrator Job Description - Hospital Administrator Job Description Template Download our job description template in Word or PDF format. Instant download. No email required. Download Template Using Your Template Follow these instructions to use your new job description template Step one: Fill out all details in your job description template using the provided sample on this page. Step two: Customize your requirements or duties to anything special to your workplace. Be sure to speak with team members and managers to gauge what's required of the position. Step three: When the census of the team has agreed on the description of the work, add in a Equal Employment Opportunity statement to the bottom of your job description. Step four: Check with your legal department, management team, and other team members to ensure the job description looks correct before creating a job advertisement. Choose a job board that's specific to your needs.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Is Resume Writing a Risky Business?

Is Resume Writing a Risky Business?Being a business professional, it is pretty obvious that the job of resume writing is not a risk-free business. There are people who really enjoy writing resumes and being able to handle them for the hiring managers of prospective employers. This has always been a source of frustration for me as I know there are other applicants who would much rather have a head start over the rest.However, as long as you are writing resumes on your own, without any help, then yes, your resumes will be riskier than other applicants. However, it is not difficult to find the resources needed for resume writing. If you are an employer, then the only thing you need is to consider making your own website where prospective candidates can post their resumes. That way, you can follow the steps for resume writing.What kind of websites should you use? What does it take to make your resume stand out from the crowd? The simplest answer to that question is; just make sure the ma terial is up to date. This includes having a website that contains all the necessary details about you and your company. You must keep that website current with all the latest news and information on your company.What are some of the important details that you should include on your resume? One of the most vital aspects that you need to highlight is your CV. If you have not already done so, then it is high time you get one ready. You need to emphasize on the details in the CV and show why you are the right candidate for the job.Another important step that you need to consider when creating a resume is the placement of it. You have to ensure that your resume is placed in a position where potential employers can see it. You can place it at the top of the first page of your website or the sidebar of your marketing materials. In both the cases, your resume needs to be placed prominently on the pages that potential employees can see.It is also important that you have a place where you ca n post the resume as multiple versions. While most applicants tend to stick to the same template when they create resumes, it is crucial that they are able to adapt to the different styles of resumes. An easy way to do this is by changing the header or footer of the resume when required.As far as resume writing is concerned, there are three main things that you should remember when creating a resume. First, you should always make sure that the content is informative. Second, it is very important that you have a memorable headline for your resume. Last, you should also consider including any samples of previous work that you have submitted online.One mistake that many applicants commit is submitting their resumes without checking whether it has been accepted. Even if the employer is happy with the resume, it is still best to check whether the resume was accepted before sending it off. By following these simple tips, you can be assured that your resume will be accepted by the company and become the first resume for the prospective employee.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Committment to Keeping Current

Committment to Keeping Current It is so important to stay current with what is going on within your occupation and industry. How are you keeping up? Do you dedicate time each month or each day to review current trends? Things change so quickly, it is hard to keep up with it all sometimes. One of the worse things to do is make excuses for not keeping up. Have you ever said any of these: I dont have time to keep up. I am spending all my time doing the work. My company isnt on the cutting edge, so I dont really need to know those things. It doesnt effect me or my work. I want to maintain a work-life balance and it would take too much of my time. It is out of my core strengths to focus on emerging trends. My employer wont pay for this. Then let me ask another question. If your company were to lay off half of its employees on Monday, would you be in the 50% that remain? That slim remainder of employees have to be masters at cross functional work. Not just knowing about how to do other things, but actually being able to do them. The remaining 50% have to be innovative and have ideas on how to streamline and expand into new markets. Do you have ideas? No matter what your role in a company, it will benefit you and your employer to understand the bigger picture- internally and externally. This is a form of job security. It is professional development. It is staying in control of your career. I would really love to know how you are are staying current with whats going on. What do you read? What seminars do you attend? How often do you pursue learning opportunities? I welcome your comments!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Create a Job Search Strategy With Some Bite

Create a Job Search Strategy With Some Bite My son is getting braces. In order to prepare for the braces, he first needs to wear a special appliance to realign his jaw. When you look in his mouth it looks like he has four giant screws in the back, all in different places. Each time he closes his mouth he must push his jaw forward in order to have the desired effect. As you can imagine, this makes chewing quite cumbersome. On the first day he could only eat soup and jello. Today he has moved on to mashed potatoes. And by the end of the week we are told that he will have figured out how to chew more solid foods.I think that when people find themselves in a job search after many years of being comfortable in a job, they have a similar relearning process and nothing comes easy at first. The old methods of job search dont work the same way anymore and job seekers need to work around more obstacles to find the right leads. Here are some ideas to chew on (pun intended) as you create a direction for your job search.Take a bite out of that old resume. Examine the content of your resume closely. If there is information on it that is dated or irrelevant to your target audience, get rid of it.Sink your teeth into networking. Building relationships takes time. Do something for your network everyday so the task is less overwhelming and more productive. Set attainable goals to schedule coffee with a colleague or lunch with an old friend. Be consistent and purposeful and remember to approach networking with a give more than you get attitude.Get a taste of social media. Dabble in LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter and create profiles on Google and Zoom Info. Be part of the conversation and share expertise, ideas, musings, and your experiences.Explore the different flavors of interview questions. Practice responses to behavior based interview questions such as tell me about yourself, tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision, or tell me about a project that failed and what you learned from it. Interview questions come in all flavorssome are about positive experiences and some are about difficult situations you facedlearn how to answer all of them with confidence.The appliance in my sons mouth is an obstacle right now. But he will overcome itthe kids gotta eat! Job seekers face obstacles everyday. But with some thought, preparation, and a commitment to do things differently they can overcome these obstacles and savor the taste of a sweet new job.